104 research outputs found

    Gamma-Delta T-cell Lymphoma: An Overview

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    Gamma-delta T-cell lymphomas are very rare and aggressive T-cell neoplasms with complex heterogenicity and diagnostic complexity. Gamma-delta T lymphocytes originate from CD4− CD8− (double negative) thymocytes in the bone marrow and are distinct from alpha beta subtype. Four entities of gamma-delta lymphomas recognized by 2016 WHO classification of lymphoid neoplasms include: hepatosplenic Tγδ lymphoma (HSγδTL), primary cutaneous gamma-delta TCL (PCTCL), monomorphic epitheliotropic intestinal T-cell lymphoma (MEITL) and large granular lymphocytic leukemias (T-LGL). Extensive literature search based on small case series and case reports identifies few more subtypes of gamma-delta T-lymphomas which were not previously classified by World Health Organization. There remains a critical gap in our understanding of the subtypes of gamma-delta T-cell lymphomas and a lack of updated summarization. In this review, we summarize in detail on the classification, biology, heterogenicity, diagnosis, clinical behavior and treatment options of these rare but clinically important entities

    Regularized Evolution for Image Classifier Architecture Search

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    The effort devoted to hand-crafting neural network image classifiers has motivated the use of architecture search to discover them automatically. Although evolutionary algorithms have been repeatedly applied to neural network topologies, the image classifiers thus discovered have remained inferior to human-crafted ones. Here, we evolve an image classifier---AmoebaNet-A---that surpasses hand-designs for the first time. To do this, we modify the tournament selection evolutionary algorithm by introducing an age property to favor the younger genotypes. Matching size, AmoebaNet-A has comparable accuracy to current state-of-the-art ImageNet models discovered with more complex architecture-search methods. Scaled to larger size, AmoebaNet-A sets a new state-of-the-art 83.9% / 96.6% top-5 ImageNet accuracy. In a controlled comparison against a well known reinforcement learning algorithm, we give evidence that evolution can obtain results faster with the same hardware, especially at the earlier stages of the search. This is relevant when fewer compute resources are available. Evolution is, thus, a simple method to effectively discover high-quality architectures.Comment: Accepted for publication at AAAI 2019, the Thirty-Third AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligenc

    Survey and Taxonomy of Key Management Protocols for Wired and Wireless Networks

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    ABSTRACT Number of keys used to convert plaintext to ciphertext. For example, symmetric/single or asymmetric/two key/public key. Key is an element which can be either numeric or non-numeric, which when applied to a given message results in a encrypted message. Key can be implicitly or explicitly derived from plaintext. Implicit key derivation is also known as auto keying, where the derived key is a part of the plaintext. Explicit key or individual key is a key that is not a part of the plaintext. For a secure communication to take place, the life cycle of key involves: initialization, agreement, distribution and cancellation. This entire process is also known as key management

    Complicated Isolated Liver Abscess Caused by Viridans Group Streptococci Leading to Right Hepatectomy

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    Pyogenic liver abscesses (PLAs) secondary to bacterial etiologies are most often seen in developing countries and are less common in North America. The predominant etiology is infection occurring in the setting of direct extension of hepatobiliary or intestinal infection. The most common pathogen isolated from a PLA in the United States i

    Cost and Lightweight Modeling Analysis of RFID Authentication Protocols in Resource Constraint Internet of Things

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    Internet of Things (IoT) is a pervasive environment to interconnect the things like: smart objects, devices etc. in a structure like internet. Things can be interconnected in IoT if these are uniquely addressable and identifiable. Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is one the important radio frequency based addressing scheme in IoT. Major security challenge in resource constraint RFID networks is how to achieve traditional CIA security i.e. Confidentiality, Integrity and Authentication. Computational and communication costs for Lightweight Mutual Authentication Protocol (LMAP), RFID mutual Authentication Protocol with Permutation (RAPP) and kazahaya authentication protocols are analyzed. These authentication protocols are modeled to analyze the delays using lightweight modeling language. Delay analysis is performed using alloy model over LMAP, RAPP and kazahaya authentication protocols where one datacenter (DC) is connected to different number of readers (1,5 or 10) with connectivity to 1, 5 or 25 tags associated with reader and its results show that for LMAP delay varies from 30-156 msec, for RAPP from 31-188 while for kazahaya from 61-374 msec. Further, performance of RFID authentication protocols is analyzed for group construction through more than one DC (1,5 or 10) with different number of readers (10, 50 or 100) and tags associated with these readers (50, 500, 1000) and results show that DC based binary tree topology with LMAP authentication protocol is having a minimum delay for 50 or 100 readers. Other authentication protocols fail to give authentication results because of large delays in the network. Thus, RAPP and Kazahaya are not suitable for scenarios where there is large amount of increase in number of tags or readers

    A Novel and Efficient Anti-Collision Protocol for RFID Tag Identification

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    Radio frequency identification (RFID) is prominent technology for fast object identification and tracking. In RFID systems, reader-to-reader or tag-to-tag collisions are common. Majority of probabilistic and deterministic anti-collisions methods are inefficient in channel distribution and improving the performance. In this work, simulation annealing based anti-collision protocol is proposed where there is uniform distribution of channels among readers. In addition, preference is given to tag state parameters over fixed scheduling in order to increase the performance. The tag state parameters named energy efficiency, distance from selected reader and distance from obstacles are considered. The simulation results show that the proposed approach is an effective mechanism where there is a minimum improvement of 16.7% for 100 readers and maximum of 32.7% for 1000 readers in tag identification ratio, and a minimum improvement of 23% for 1000 readers and maximum of 75.3% for 100 readers in total successful interrogation cycles. Further, total time cycles, total IDLE cycles, total number of collisions, delay, and total number of packets sent and received are reduced compared to state of-art protocols. It is observed that the proposed simulation annealing based protocol is contiguous channels allocation algorithm with zero collision

    Design and Analysis of Lightweight Trust Mechanism for Secret Data using Lightweight Cryptographic Primitives in MANETs

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    Abstract Lightweight trust mechanism with lightweight cryptography primitives and post-quantum cryptosystems are having important concerns in resource constraint wireless sensor based Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANETs). In postquantum cryptosystems, error correcting codes (ECC) help in code based cryptography for lightweight identification, authentication, distance bounding and tag with ownership transfer protocols to provide security. In this work, a novel approach is designed to secure the RFID-Sensor based MANET that uses ECC for assigning identification to resource constrained mobile nodes. This assignment helps to create centralized environment with subgroups, groups and hierarchies. Group or subgroups boundaries are limited through distance bounding protocols. Trust management plays the role of maintaining the relationship between nodes for long endeavor. Probability analysis of distance bounding protocol shows that the proposed approach is protected from mafia fraud, distance fraud, terrorist fraud, and distance hijacking attacks. The success of these attacks on the proposed mechanism dependence on trust score: lesser trust score (≤ 50) increases the chances of these attacks whereas higher trust score protects the network from these attacks and improves the network performance as well. In performance analysis, it is observed that the Zone Routing Protocol (ZRP) outperforms the other MANET routing protocols in terms of network performance and security for the proposed scheme. However, the probabilistic analysis proves that it is still possible to control outliers in the network despite the new inserted defenses with trust management and limited resources

    Endophytic Bacteria from Ocimum sanctum and Their Yield Enhancing Capabilities

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    Abstract Endophytes are beneficial microbes that reside intercellularly inside the plants. Interaction of endophytes with the host plants and their function within their host are important to address ecological relevance of endophyte. Four endophytic bacteria OS-9, OS-10, OS-11, and OS-12 were isolated from healthy leaves of Ocimum sanctum

    Role of Exosomes in Tumor Induced Neo-Angiogenesis

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    Exosomes are the nanovesicles, belonging to the type of extracellular vesicles (EVs), produced by normal as well as tumor cells and function as a mode in cell-to-cell communication. Tumor cells utilize various approach to communicate with neighboring cells for facilitating tumor invasion and progression, one of these approaches has been shown through the release of exosomes. Tumor-derived exosomes (TEX) have the ability to reprogram/modulate the activity of target cells due to their genetic and molecular cargo. Such exosomes target endothelial cells (among others) in the tumor microenvironment (TME) to promote angiogenesis which is an important element for solid tumor growth and metastasis. So, exosomes play a vital role in cancer invasiveness and progression by harboring various cargoes that could accelerate angiogenesis. Here first, we will present an overview of exosomes, their biology, and their role in different cancer models. Then, we will emphasis on exosomes derived from tumor cells as tumor angiogenesis mediators with a particular importance on the underlying mechanisms in various cancer origins. In the end, we will unveil the therapeutic potential of tumor derived exosomes as drug delivery vehicles against angiogenesis